Sunday, October 12, 2014

Wonder why can't you use full of your system's RAM ..!!

  • Looks like you're using a 32 bit operating system windows . Because a 32-bit operating system has only enough addresses to handle 4GB of memory.One you past that , it doesn't know how to handle it.
  • To check whether your system run with 32-bit or more,  try this                                                         Computer (right click) -- Properties  (or) Press Winorb + Ctrl/break button together.

  • If you have 32-bit operating system, you still can't use the full 4 GB because the OS needs some of those addresses to interface with the hardware.Usually it takes half or more than a Gigabyte, exact amount may vary.
  • So, to take full advantage of 4GB, you need a 64 bit operating system. Of course the latest versions of windows come in both 32 & 64 bit versions.
  • But beware, there's a chance that you might not have the right hardware to install 64 bit version. To make sure, download the Gibson Research's free program, . If the program displays a big 64, you can then upgrade to 64 bit version of windows.

  • And just to be safe, you should make full backup before doing the install.

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